Stages of Property Purchase

1. Preselection


2. Inspection of properties

You can select the property right during a planned trip. One of our staff members will meet you at the airport and transport you to the hotel. You can start inspecting properties right on the day of your arrival in Greece, if you come in the daytime. Based on the advanced selection, we will pick up 10-20 most attractive variants with similar features to show you. The initial properties inspection usually takes two days. You will also need one more day for revisiting the most favorite properties for further examination, comparison, and negotiations with the owner regarding the final price, payment terms, and other details of the future deal.


3. Property reservation

The initial reservation of the property usually amounts from €2.000, depending on the property’s value.

4. Preparation of the agreement

When a property is reserved, you will need to proceed with some formalities: 1) receive a TIN (Tax Identification Number), to do it you will need a valid passport. When registering the property for both spouses, you must have an apostilled marriage certificate, 2) open an account in a Greek bank. You will need it to transfer funds to Greece.

Then, you may come back home and transfer the required amount to your bank account in Greece. In the meantime, our lawyer will check the selected property for any encumbrances. It usually takes from 1 to 2 days.

According to Greek law, if there are legal problems identified, the seller must return advance payment to the buyer. Then, the notary officer in cooperation with the lawyer prepare a purchase and sale agreement. Before signing, you must pay the property transfer tax (3%).


5. Payment for property

In most cases, payment is made during the signing of the purchase and sale agreement. In this case, the buyer first opens an account in a Greek bank, transfers money to the bank, writes out a check immediately before signing the agreement and gives it to the seller in the presence of a
notary. Payment may also be made by direct bank transfer from the  buyer’s account (from a bank in any country) to the seller’s account.


6. Signing the purchase and sale agreement

Once the formalities are completed, you will need to sign the purchase and sale agreement and pay the rest of the amount (payment by installments is also possible). From this moment on, the property and the undivided coownership rate on the plot of land belong to the buyer. Following the signing, the agreement should be registered in the competent Land Registry.

Registration of the transaction usually takes three weeks and is a formal procedure. There are two title deeds that confirm the ownership rights:

1) purchase and sale agreement

2) certificate of registration of the agreement in the competent Land Registry.