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Property search and selection

Trustate can help you find the most suitable home for you according to your
needs whether it is a house, business or holiday property or any other type of
residence. Through our sophisticated site you can use our convenient filters
to find properties that fully meet your needs in most areas of Greece.
In order to increase the chances of finding the ideal property for you, we
have selected the best filters in finding a home on our site. These are:

  1. based on the price
  2. type of property (whether it is for rent or sale),
  3. based on the minimum and maximum price desired,number of rooms, bathrooms, type of residence (detached house, apartment, etc.), area, etc.

With these means, we try to ensure the best possible result in finding the
most suitable property for you!

In case you did not find what, you were looking for on our site, you can
always contact us. We
are always at your disposal, and we will be very happy to assist you!