It is common to choose different colors and textures for each type of residence. For instance, on a Cycladic Island someone will see white and blue colors dominating to a very intense degree, both inside a house and outside. Similar aesthetic can be found in the Dodecanese region. One thing that is unknown to most people is that these colors are chosen mainly because they reflect the sun more strongly, which is very important in these regions.
In general, Greek decoration presents a wide variety, but in addition it also has some special features. A characteristic feature of Greek decoration that dates back many years is the use of embroidery on furniture as an element of decoration.
In addition, in almost all Greek houses you will see that the curtains are used on the windows even if there are shutters, an element that is not so common in other countries.
Many decorative items are also used in a Greek home. Some of them can be vases, ceramic or not and various other decorative items. Another characteristic element that exists in many Greek houses, especially in those that love the ancient style, are the columns, especially in the exterior of the houses and usually in properties used for touristic purposes.
Trustate offers you various options on how you want to decorate your property, to reach the ideal result for you. The partners of our company will work in this area so that you can enjoy your new decoration in the best possible way, whether it is the house you want to live in, or it is an investment property.